About us
Dr. Handsome Chan

Current Position
Specialist of Taiwan Surgical Association
Membership of Taiwan Society of Vascular Surgery
Specialist of Taiwan Association of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery
Dr. Chan, a specialist of Taiwan surgical association, was graduated from Kaohsiung Medical University. He completed the resident training program at Taichung veteran general Hospital. In the past medical practice, he focused on varicose vein treatment and joined the Taiwan Society for Vascular Surgery for sophisticated treatment skills of the varicose veins. He also received training for vascular ultrasound in the Taiwan Society of Ultrasound.
Dr. Chan always believes that an ideal new treatment for varicose vein should be safer and more comfortable in comparison with the traditional one. Therefore, he focused on minimally-invasive surgery of varicose veins, such as endovenous laser surgery, ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy, etc. He also concentrated on how to make patients comfortable during the surgery and developed a special accurate local anesthesia with Dr. Chen. The patient can be free from the risks of general or spinal anesthesia and open surgery accordingly.
With our new technique, patients can walk immediately after the surgery and the down time is greatly reduced.
Dr. Chan always pursues perfection of the medical knowledge and skills. He hopes he can help more and more patients in the future .
Educational background
Medical doctor diploma Kaohsiung Medical University
Past Experiences
2002~2009 Graduated from Kaohsiung Medical University
2010~2015 Resident training program at Taichung veteran general Hospital
2015~2017 Chief resident training at Taichung veteran general Hospital
2017~2019 Attending Physician of Taichung veteran general hospital
Membership of Taiwan Society of Vascular Surgery
Specialist of Taiwan Society of Surgery
Specialist of Taiwan Association of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgery
Specialist of Taiwan Surgical Association
License of Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)

Clinic Time


OP Time left for operation
Time for consultation or treatment
* To save your precious time, please make an appointment before consultation

(408) No. 232, Sec.1, Wenxin Rd., Nantun Dist., Taichung, Taiwan
WeChat ID
(802) No.98, Zhonghua 4th Rd., Lingya Dist., Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
WeChat ID
Published Papers
Medical Conference Articles
1. Thoracic and cardiovascular surgery annual conference, 2014, oral report
Chan CW, Hiesh HJ, Minimal invasive double valve replacement/repair through right small thoracotomy wound via direct vision, cases series and technique sharing
2. Taiwan Surgical annual conference 2015 -
Chan CW, Tsai CL, Hiesh HJpost-TEVAR aorto-esophageal fistula, case series and complications management
3. Journal of Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2018 Jan 24;17(1):20
Chan CW, Yu CL, Lin JC, Hsieh YC, Lin CC, Hung CY, Li CH, Liao YC, Lo CP, Huang JL, Lin CH, Wu TR.
4. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology- 2020
M-M Chou, M-J Chen, H-W Su, C-W Chan, H-F Kung, J-J Tseng, W-C Chen, Y-F Chen, J-C Yuan. Vascular control by infrarenal aortic cross-clamping in placenta accreta spectrum disorders: description of technique
5. Thoracic and cardiovascular surgery annual conference 2022 poster-
Chan CW, Wei HC, Will COVID 19 vaccinations affect prothrombin time level(INR) and
thromboembolism risk in post valve transplantation patients?